Monday, June 11, 2007

The Wogs Are Revolting.

In the olden days we'd just send in 3 British army officers with swords and revolvers, using their knowledge of the class system and upper crust accents all la de da like they would soon have Johnny brown fellow submissive and in his place.

In Indian subcontinent the caste system has always kept people in their place but now because of the government benefits awarded to the lower castes in the the form of affirmative action with jobs and college enrollments the higher castes want their caste to be doongraded.

Over the past few weeks thousands of people from the Gujjar community have rioted with 25 people killed so far, all to be classed as brown trash in order to get help from the government.
The Gujjars who a little better off than some are sick of owning small farms and now want the rich city life.

The lowest castes which includes Untouchables who are those who do the menial work or dirty work like night soil collections, shit in other words get jobs just because they are poor and are highly resented by those they work with.

Sanjay a young man from New Delhi has moved his sofa out onto his porch and is growing a mullet. The last job interview he went to was for a call centre (of course) for the British tourism board, he wore a plaid shirt with the sleeves removed and rolled a cigarette and drank from a bottle in a paper bag, it was close but the job went to the gurl with the clothes made out of trash who had the pet lice.

"Those fucking poor people are getting everything" he said via satellite phone, "in my next interview I will totally morph into those I have looked doon upon all my life by wearing an Anna-Nicole tribute T-shirt and talking about how I missed my chance to take her up the shitter, you can't get much more common than that. I went to college damn it I'm somebody important."

Good luck to you Sanjay you crazy bastard, fuck those Hindus make the Muslims look sensible sometimes, no not really.