Monday, June 11, 2007

So Picky.

Have you ever been fucked in the arse by an old friend and not handed a wipe? well that's what it feels like to me. The Orange Order has made up a silly new rule about terminating the memberships of sex offenders.

Whats their problem? are they attracting the wrong sort of member? so its ok to have known terrorists but god forbid a 16 year-old gurl cums onto you though she looks at least 17 and the people who I thought were her parents were ok about it oh no its all lies and now I'm out of the Orange Order, er I mean a friend of mine is out, yeah that's it.

The Orange Order dates from the 17th century battle for supremacy between Protestantism and Catholicism, I know cos I was fucking well there. I recall saying to King Billy,"hey Billy! look out man yer horse is going to step into that mole hole" but because the cunt was Dutch foreigner type he said,"what?" and yes that was King Billy's last word.

Its bad when the Orange Order has standards, next it will be renaming itself "Order of Colour" and letting in gheys well it took them over 300 years so I won't expect anything soon. I think I'll be calling them shit stirring bigots from now on, they are just forcing the Protestant pedos to align themselves with the Catholics maybe they'll make them all priests.

I am starting up my own Order for all those wronged and without a place to go where they can march and goad others into causing trouble and oppress Muck savages, my order will be called, "The Order of the Phoenix " the name just came to me when I was in Waterstones sneakily ripping random pages from their books, just a wee hobby of mine books are for the weak. Be sure to buy the book "how I learned not to give a fuck" by Old Knudsen coming out in July. No I won't be coming out I'm a ladies' man. Well unless I'm drunk or tricked but still I'm all about the weemen.