Tuesday, June 5, 2007

We Export Death.

Me Velly Slorry wide eyes heh heh heh.

Anyone who knows whats going on in the world (not Americans of course) know the Chinks are plotting to take over the world. Amassing their vast armies of horny males with their under-sized dongs who only know about weemen through the media due to the Chinese breeding program of no gurls they will be more than willing to invade if they are promised some poon tang (a chinese expression) so look out Taiwan you'll be first.

They contaminated numerous medicines, toothpaste, foods and stuffed toys so as they were killing Cuff links they exported them to other cuntries, do I think this was a mistake? fuck no its just picking away at the world they some day hope to invade.

I'm not an alarmist and don't want to cause panic but we're all going to die, well not me cos I'm selling them government secrets, don't worry its the Polish government so who cares?
To make sure I don't get poisoned I'm off my meds, don't brush my teeth, only eat bad British food like fish and chips and curry and no longer do I snuggle with Mr Woogle.

I'm on ta ya you inscrutable looking shites so watch yer step.