Sunday, June 3, 2007

If Ya Can't Beat Them Buy Them.

A UDA terrorist holding a 9 mm Sterling submachine gun. These weapons went out of use with the police and army in the late 80's its good to see they ended up in the right hands.

The Ulster Defense Association UDA a protestant paramilitary group in Northern Ireland have been meeting with top police and church officials to discuss the spending of the £1.2m the British government are to give them to quit being a terrorist organisation and to reduce crime in their community.

Sammy (slasher) McGee and Tommy (kill all taigs) Taylor of the UDA have suggested spending the money on a year long barbeque and booze binge and maybe a nice shrubbery, or a shipment from Columbia (he wasn't very clear what the cargo was ) they have expressed a need for a uniform for those involved in keeping crime low and maybe free reign from the police to do their business like in the olden days (1980's)
Mr McGee went on to say that the UDA are also victims of the violence over the last three decades because if it wasn't for the Troubles him and many more wouldn't have gotten neck and hand tattoos to distinguish them as (not only as intelligent individuals) but as paramilitary thugs, he went on to say,"do you know how hard it is to get a job on daytime TV when you have Kick the Pope tattoos?"

I love the fact that yer average protestant hood hates all things Gaelic but will paint the Red hand of Ulster onto everything . Why does this mural show M-16s? the Yanks send guns to the Fenians not the Prods.

There has been a workshop set up to help the loyalist community, they will teach how to paint murals, *intimate* shop owners for protection money and the various technics on how to knee-cap those who exhibit anti social behaviour oh and facing the challenges head on and working to build a new future not just for loyalist communities, but as part of a new vision for Northern Ireland .................. the workshop will have a full working bar of course.

*Yes this is a typo, it was supposed to be intimidate but intimate was more funny so I left it, I guess I need a poof weeder. *