Monday, June 4, 2007

There Be Dragons.

In Indonesia a Komodo dragon attacked and killed an 8 year-old boy. The lad went to shit behind a bush as they are prone to do and was grabbed by the waist and shaken from side to side.
The boy's uncle a fishermen threw rocks at the beast until it flapped its mighty wings and flew away.
A Dragon expert from Chester zoo in England said, " this isn't the first time a human has been killed by a dragon, talk of a Lemur/Komodo dragon alliance has had the world living in fear for decades."

The last human death was 33 years ago but still its a real danger, these fuckers can grow to a length of 10 feet and weigh up to 365 pounds, if one of these creatures with un-clipped wings made it to London the fire it breathes would make the blitz look like Guy Fawkes night.

Komodo dragons bite their prey with an anti-coagulant then they usually let the wounded animal escape and follow the trail of blood and let the loss of blood do the job, that's what the boy died of.
If you go into the woods today. Next time use a toilet ya dirty shites who are you Twenty Major?