Sunday, June 24, 2007

You Fucking Smart Arse.

"They killed Kenny, you bastards."

Two year -old Georgia Brown, from Hampshire, scored 152 in an IQ test - putting her in the top 2% of the population for her age and has become the youngest ever female member of British Mensa.

After 45 minutes the gurl needed a nap or she got cranky.

Georgia was crawling at five months, walking at nine months and, by 18 months, she was having proper conversations and running a small country.

She is able to answer questions five and six-year-olds can't. "The test uses questions like 'If brother is to boy, then sister is to ...?'. She can hold a pencil, draw a circle and knows her colours. Questions like,"who is the green Wiggle and why hasn't the one in the red shirt died yet ?" didn't fool her.

I don't care how old she is how cum she gets easy tests? I did a Mensa test years ago and only got my name half right. I can draw circles and know that sister is to disappointment and probably teenage pregnancy.

I could have an IQ of 200 and stick that on my resume and get a job as a Judge or Porn star or a Judging Porn star, " I sentence you to suck on my balls" or "Death by rimjob."

I'd like to ask that gurl some simples questions myself like,"what colour should the Starboard light on a boat be?" and "Is Tomato a vegetable or a fruit and what then is Simon Cowell?" we'll see how smart she is or is she just book smart and can't survive at the end of the world when it becomes Knudsen eat dog? those people will be my happy meals when I , "Mad Knudsen am the road warrior."