Thursday, June 7, 2007

Theres Something About Paris.

Fuck am I glad I don't live in American, the streets have become a more dangerous place, Paris (crusher) Hilton is out of her long stretch of bird and is looking for payback.

After 3 days in the notoriously tough "special needs" unit of the Century Regional Detention Center where only the toughest celebrities and other high profile figures are housed in 12 by 8 cells with only outside recreation, television and phone calls to occupy their thoughts of book deals and TV pilots, Paris was let out for an unspecified medical condition, I didn't think being a dozy rich hoor was a medical condition but there you have it.

Her sentence had already been cut due to good behaviour, I'm not sure how being caught drunk driving and then caught two more times afterwards is good behaviour, maybe they made her promise to stop saying, "that's hot" and to put some clothes on her scrawny arsed body.

Now the poor gurl is confined to her 14 acre home above Sunset Strip for her remaining 40 days and is wearing one of those trendy ankle bracelets all the hot young starlets wear.

She has paid for her crime enough (with visa) for the love of God stop picking on her and let her learn from this experience. Now who slagged off Russell Crowe when he mentioned that the Yank Legal system was open to abuse before he avoided jail for assault?