Monday, June 4, 2007

Those Fucking Lazy Hobbit Bastards.

Well Samwise did ya look after Frodo's ring?

I have a really bad memory and am often prone to repeating myself as I was just telling my friend Billy one ear the other day but it seems he already knew.

I was watching the Lords of the Ring films by that Michael Moore fella . I'd read the books years ago like half of the civilised world has and the films were pretty faithful to the books but fuck those films were long, just because the film goes on for 3 hours doesn't make it better. When they make a big CGI mountain they sure get their moneys worth by showing it.

The last bit had the armies of the Orcs and the men (plus one woman) fighting at the Black gate, then one of the Hobbits the queer looking one no one can remember, not Frodo, Samwise or Pennywise but the other one shouts,"The Eagles are coming" I fully expected to see that famous cuntpop© group of the 70's singing their top hit Hotel California but no it was actually eagles, big fuck off eagles .........boring.

That Frodo was a right lazy cunt, on the way to Mulder to destroy the ring , he drinks all the water and gets Samwise to carry him, but when Gollum goes after the ring or hot lava is spewing out singeing Frodo's arse hairs he can sure move then, swinging the lead I believe the expression would be for faking it on the job.

What is it Samwise, are you trying to tell us something? Is frodo trapped doon a well?

The actor who plays Frodo is amazing, the three Harry Potter films and Lost, busy busy busy. Only the wizard Geldoff is keeping up with him by doing the X-men films. I wonder how Geldoff or Magnet Man as he is in the X-men films picks his roles, sure hes done all the Shakespeare crap and got a Knighthood for pretending to be other people, in my day you'd have to kill a real dragon to get one of them and if you pretended to be other people you'd be shot for being a Nazi spy.
Oh thats it yer both Up hill gardeners, well I wasn't shocked.

Sir Ian works for the paychecks now and only likes to play old blokes with magic powers, if only he could play them as Straight, ah the curse of the English, is he or isn't he?