Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Making Friends All Around The World.

Ah the creatures of the night.

I found some people talking about one of my many posts and just loved the comments that followed so I thought I would share with you all. I shall expect a Fenian version of a Fatwa. "Wa? you calling me fat?" No comment was left on that post by the person that owned the blog that didn't like my post but they did put a link in the post, ah inviting the Devil in that was. Remember, pedos I don't care if you are the Pope, I'll take ya doon.

"I have read some ugly things like this too in the past and I got so sick I felt strongly that God did not WANT me to read them.That was a good and probably very truthful response you gave that pitiful soul, but just don’t let innocent eyes have to look upon such evilness very often…it will make you sick…physically after awhile. God bless."

I feel that God wants you to touch my willy.

"What a terrible post, it was written by a very pathetic individual.He’s obviously got some seriously deep issues in his own life."

And yer point is? I bet yer in the IRA, you seem the type.

"Ignore him, and all losers like him. He’s an enfant-terrible, a churlish provocateur, a moron, and an intentional jerk. If you feed the monkeys, or you hurl abuse at the monkeys, you still get the same treatment from monkeys. You have to stay away from the cage if you want the poo to stop flying. "

"I wish I could say something nice about him, but I can’t. "

Monkeys will feed you? you don't know much about monkeys you poopy head, nah nah!what about my shoulders? say something about how strong they look.

"The devil is alive and well."

Did I ever tell you what a convenient dumping ground for all the bad stuff the Devil is, that's why he was made up. I mean how can God be a God of love if he lets the bad shit happen? Satan is the fall guy a patsy.

"I just read the post. The guy is obviously very, very broken. Why are he and the other commenters so entertained by idiotic vulgarity? Lord have mercy on them, suxh wounded souls."

I ask this question all the time. I think they are sick of self righteous arseholes without a sense of humour and can clearly see talent when they read it, also I think they drink alot.

My as always intellectual reply to these back biters was, "I heard the Pope drinks his own jizz." gurn up ya silly buggers and remove the stick from yer pompous arses.