Sunday, June 24, 2007

Free The Niolk Two.

I'm sure no one wants to see Brad Pitt's mutilated cock.
The slutty bird known as Fat Sparrow called in a few favours and has got me to join the repulsive campaign to "Free Niolks balls", it seems she has a thing for ginger Irishmen, I have a thing for them too, its called a death camp.

Niolk's purple papal bollocks, he has gone from blue balls to purple balls because hes 43 and still a virgin.
Due to my outstanding success with the "Get naked Brad" campaign that was more like a drunken dare than the need to see Brad Pitt's cock I'm sure we'll be seeing more of Niolks diseased purple balls in no time.

If you have anymore Celebrities (or Bloggers) you want to see naked just let me know and I'll send you my price list. I on the other hand have a compulsion to see everyone naked before I die which was why I had that short lived (no pun intended) job as a mortician. I must yet again apologise to the Brando family for any distress I may have caused them but the man was a fucking legend, sorry folks those pics have all been turned over to the authorities............or have they?