Thursday, June 28, 2007

Shooting People Gives Me An Erection.

A US soldier aiming at some Canadians probably, whose side are those Canucks on anyway?

The US military who being the most wise and highly trained group in the world and who have made blue on blue into an art form have decided to hit the insurgents hard.

The plan is to replace all the AK-47s as used by Iraqi soldiers and police with US made M-16 rifles. The M-16s require more training to maintain and correctly use it and takes different size ammunition .
A picture of the sand monkey and the serial number of the weapon will be taken to keep track of them as they don't have a fucking clue who has what weapon there at the moment and as the police and army are full of insurgents weapons and ammo goes missing.
If they have a more troublesome weapon that you wouldn't steal and a size of ammo that won't fit the terrorist rifles then you've cut doon on their supplies and cost to yerself.
The US government who are always quick to make a buck have charged the fledgling Iraqi government 2 billion dollars for the honour of buying these weapons and a steady supply of US ammo.

I like to watch the news and to look at the various armies of the world, in Thailand you see soldiers using M-16s and soldiers in India and Africa marching and dressing like British soldiers, its like writing "we wuz here."

Made by Mikhail Kalashnikov a Russian tank sergeant in 1947 which was handy as it was called a Kalashnikov, if it was made by Michael Shufflebottom it would just sound silly.

In my opinion the AK-47 or Kalashnikov is a better weapon, more powerful and you can drag it through hell and it will still work, hardly any jamming, you can fire its 30 round magazine with one pull of the trigger any mong from a 3rd world cuntry can pick one up and use it, and do, there are around 70 - 100 million worldwide you can pick one up in Africa for $50 or on yer QCV shopping channel.

The M-16 has been used in all the wars America has lost since Nam, "keep it clean or it will jam" as my old mother rest her soul would say, less power and fires in bursts of 3, around 7 million of these worldwide, a good weapon in well trained hands but training costs money.

So what they are doing is changing weapons for a less powerful and less reliable one than the ones they are up against , keeping US Marines there longer to train the men in using them and keeping a US lifeline or connection with the arms deal as I'm sure that's what the Iraqi government wants, I mean they would be fucked if the Yanks left .

It all sort of makes sense but then you think, nah its a silly idea and one wrote up by money grabbing pencil pushers. If a half decent soldier found a M-16 and an AK-47 and he had to go into war with one of them, which one would he pick?

And to think I was going to post a naked picture of Angelina Jolie, well its yer lucky day maggots.