Saturday, June 23, 2007

Just Pose For The Tourists Ya Cunts.

150 years of bad treatment from the whiteman and now they can't even get drunk, might as well off yerselves.

Australia is to ban alcohol and pornography in Aboriginal areas in the Northern Territory in a bid to curb child sex abuse. A report found evidence of abuse in each of the territory's 45 communities. High levels of alcohol and poverty for the situation.
Well that's what happens with people who have no future, they start to self destruct. It reminds me of 100 years ago with the Native Americans before the books made it cool to be an Injun and they got their casinos.

The lefties have already shouted, "racism or fascism" and will no doubt run alcohol up to them for a profit or to protect their rights, these are the same morons that shout "racial profiling" when the peelers question Muslims or Black people. If they weren't the biggest cause of plane to building murders and crime levels they should be left alone but driving a stolen car high on meth, I don't care if yer green, yer going doon lad its common sense.
I have drawn up my own measures to ensure fairness, you'll get no racism on this Blog.

To protect Johnny black fella from diabetes and the urge to steal cars and beat his wife we will ban him from BBQ chicken and malt liquor .

To help Muslims live in the West without persecution I suggest we get rid of those silly robes they wear and put them into camps and make them Protestant, they'll be so happy to have a sensible religion, and once they taste bacon it'll make up for them never being able to get into Heaven.

Cuff Links, Asians whatever will have their cars and bad cigarettes taken from them and I'm sure modern medicine can do something about those eyes.

Poles and Irish will get make overs so they don't look like time travelers from the 80's.

The Germans will have their children taken away to put a stop to any future wars and because Germans are all Pedos if you go by the shite meter searches.

Latinos and Eyeties will be degreased and given counseling to explain why siblings aren't fair game for a shag.

The Africans, I hate to see the Hollywood celebrities close to tears when they talk about Dafur or the Congo (who the fuck is DR Congo?) so to save George and Angelina the pain we'll just seal up the cuntry and nuke it, that's yer aids and immigration problem well solved .

So Darkies, you aren't so special yer just easier to shove around, well I'm off to look at some porn and have a drink and wogs observe, its grown weemen, not children I'll be thinking about, well maybe George Clooney too.