Sunday, May 13, 2007

28 Minutes Later.

Today a bear infected with the rage virus escaped from the Robbins research facility in London, tore and slashed its way through the city and was beat to death by the band of the Grenadier guards just outside of Buckingham palace . "It was a violent and bloody mess" said bandsman Hank Marvin, "if the sergeant hadn't distracted its claws of fury by sticking an oboe up its bung hole enabling us to kill it I wouldn't be standing here talking to you now." Pte Marvin has since sold his story to the Daily Mirror.

Anyone with blood on them and all 23 bear victims have been burned to contain the virus.
Old Knudsen the greatest Blogger in the world commented from his Killamory love nest, " a bear you say ? huh now thats strange."