Sunday, May 27, 2007

It Could Always Be Worse.

The main thing the hospital are worried about are lawsuits as she won't have a leg to stand on.

Kellie Lim, who lost both legs and an arm at the age of 8 because of bacterial meningitis, is to graduate from University of California, Los Angeles' medical school , she plans to focus on childhood allergies and infectious disease.
The 26 year-old doesn't use a prosthetic arm and does most medical procedures like giving injections, taking blood grabbing a pair of balls and saying "cough" with one arm. She walks on a pair of prosthetic legs.

She was raised by a blind mother in Detroit and went through years of being in a wheelchair and painful therapy after toxic shock from the meningitis claimed her limbs and three fingertips on her remaining hand she was given 85% chance of dying, not only that she was right handed and had to learn to use her left, are you crying yet?

"I hate failing," she said. "It's one of those things that's so ingrained in me."

For fucks sake what a gurl. I'd hate to be the person she trains on, I had this trainee able bodied nurse put an IV needle right through my vein. Now this post is designed to make you whiney shites think about how rough you have it and the next time you say you can't do something think about Ms Lim who only has a short window to have sex before the Asian gene turns her into an old minger, mid thirties I believe.

And she can swim (unlike me) and has become wanking material (just like me)

Well done Ms Lim you've put us all to shame. I wish you good luck and hope never to be yer patient. For inspiring us all you've been given the dubious award of honourary bitter balls, isn't life so looking up now ?