Thursday, May 24, 2007

Soylent Green Is People And So Are Kebabs.

No one is horrified by the fictional tale of Sweeney Todd the demon barber of Fleet street who killed his clients and his accomplice put them into meat pies to sell. Its been a film and even a musical, the tabloid press of Fleet street are a lot more scary.

It is alleged that a 14 year-old gurl Charlene Downes was killed by Iyad Albattikhi, who owns a fast food shop on Blackpool Promenade. He joked to his friends that he chopped her up and mixed her in with the kebabs.

Mr Albattikhi and his business partner 50-year-old Mohammed Reveshi who is accused of helping dispose of the body are both Jordanian immigrants said Charlene was one of a number of gurls who like to have sex with older sandsavage type of men who worked in the fast food shops on the promenade, its the new craze it seems. All the workers at Funny Boyz fast food joint liked the white gurls and bragged about it constantly.

Charlene like so many have just disappeared off the face of the earth the case is on-going. I say on the strength of police suspicions we hang the cunts, even if we're wrong which I doubt we'll have gotten rid of child molesting kebab makers, no good cums from a kebab.