Friday, May 4, 2007

Thats Hot.

Paris being ever the lady, getting stuck into her itchy minge , moments later she pulled out her mobile phone and a packet of smokes.

Paris Hilton stupid slut supreme has been sentenced to 45 days in jail. Formerly charged with drunk driving she was pulled over on a suspended drivers licence. Being a dumb hoor that has the ability to annoy the fuck out of people by thinking her money makes her better than the rest she was faced with a judge that in no way thought she was hot and wouldn't let her off with a fine. Paris apologised like you do when you get caught and promised to try to pay attention to important stuff like this in future, what you mean like silly laws etc? she also asked to be sent to a male prison for her sentence but her request was denied.
Well she was named after a plaster (plaster of Paris) and she was plastered when she was caught, and the city of Paris may appear elegant but its really tacky and gaudy and everyone has been there and took pictures as she gives it up too easily.