Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Cerebral Diarrhea.

It has happened to me before, the psychic waves of energy that floats around joining us all up to our collective conscious that makes up the universe. Being in contact with people who put their thoughts doon onto a computer not distracted by body language or the glimpse of cleavage who are disembodied voices in our own heads the energy intensifies and becomes more constant.

In older times it was the hunter using his instincts and senses to feel out the animal, like a form of radar, we still have that today thought its seldom used. Ever walk doon a dark street and get the feeling someone is watching you so you stop using sight and sound and just send out waves of thought into the shadows and you fine them?

Those who are bogged doon in the mundane unvisited by the muses of creation and inspiration will no doubt say "huh?" get back to yer one dimensional world of I-pods and bills or to yer loop of self contained misery with you at the centre of the universe.

Recently I have been experiencing a lot of Blogjinx © . I write posts and put them into draft only to have someone mention something weird I've written but not published. Go on discount this as coincidence. I say there is no such thing, maybe saying "we're on the same wavelength" is apt. I'm not saying we all agree just merely tuned to the same station, we are all just energy and impulses right?
I struggle to visit all those in my lists and make sure I get round them at least once a week, there are plenty of slack non-posting cunts out there and will sometimes get missed but every now and again I just hover the cursor over a name that hasn't done anything for a while and find they have posted and it meant something to me. This carrys on to yer real world existence as you have been working out 3rd eye or what ever hippy crap you want to call it. Not thinking but still having thoughts is a way to invoke it.

I believe that people have found my blog for a reason and I find others for a reason, its all about learning. Not just knowledge but about yerself. The meaning of life is to touch other lives recognising and seizing opportunity when it when it shows up .
Learning from past mistakes or trauma is pretty crap but necessary to survive, it makes the difference on sinking or swimming and something from the past may lead to yer destiny in this life.

Yer little gurl was abducted so rather than just drink to blot it out ruining your life and those around you more you set up an organisation in her name and save other little gurls those gurls in turn go on to cure cancer or give birth to a serial killer whatever, thats someone elses lesson to learn, the circle of life with its checks and balances who are we to question the almighty power of the universe?

Like the Charge of the light brigade they saw different cannons from where they stood so based their decisions on what they saw not the whole picture, ours is not to reason why ours is but to do and then eventually die, get used to it. Just do the best with what you have and pray there is order in the chaos, as individuals we are so important and yet so insignificant .

Many go through life in a bubble, they think they are open and self aware but really the dumb shit they have no concept of .People live their life as stagnant as this, the expression "a fool at 40 is indeed a fool" is something to consider not that they see themselves as fools, its everyone else that has the problem or is to blame.

I am in a form of psychic connection with many other bloggers as they are with me. I think this kind of bond or link is what a community or tribe is built upon. I could be a lot more open but it messes with my posts enough as it is.

Yes I know I already posted today but if I don't get this out there then the terrorists have won.