Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Shite Meter.

A picture of a nice Christian lass, Jesus breast fed you know so therefore tits are sacred.

Yes again its a post about my shite meter searches, I just can't understand how these people end up at my nice and respectable Blog.

How to make a priest horny...............Ireland. Show him a young boy.

Sophia lorens tits.................................Belgium. They were nice weren't they?

My uncle raped a donkey....................USA. The usual then.

If you suck cock while drunk are you ghey?....UK. I know who you are by the way.

Hairy naked weemen..........................Russia. Nothing wrong with that.

Slavic Apes............................................Ireland. They're human I say.

Is it safe to drink urine........................Australia. I do all the time and look at me.

Is molesting other people's food normal?.....Northern Ireland. It is for you Manuel.

Lets give praise or at least a hand to boobies.