Saturday, May 19, 2007

Those Zany Irish Harlots

A village in Ireland named Doon whose more original Feniany name was Dun Bleise which loosely means "the stronghold of immoral women" or "Fort of the Harlot" either way it was a fun place to visit back in the day. Some also believe that Mary Magdalene fled there to give birth to the child of Jesus but really if you had any sense you'd cum to Scotland now wouldn't you?

Those folks from Limerick have always been trouble makers anyway I don't speak Irish, in fact I barely speak English I will not be molded by the wills of others. You never see place names like that anymore, 'Village of the damned' or 'street of the dirty slappers' a distinct lack of colour and imagination, though I suspect in this case the Irish just want to set up a hoor hoose for the tourists, c'mon Yanks while you're searching for yer distant relatives for the price of a cabbage you can shag someone authentically Muck savage like. I don't think an American will worry if they're related or not.

Here is the village that I used to be the mayor/ditator of until they turned on me, they would of hung me from a lampost but in my wisdom and farsightedness I had them all removed. They still keep the sign as they now know how well off they were with me as now the place is full of Poles and Muslims. No lamps on the poles still.

Here is the Austrian town of Fucking again, remember German/ Austrian pedos not so fast .