Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Hang Around Mate.

The well hung man which in Tarot signifies the rushing of blood to yer head and yer change falling out of yer pockets, trust the Godless heathens to fuck up hanging. Happy Bealltainn and enjoy the fires of Hell ya dirty Pagans.

I recently just wrote about how I miss public hanging for criminals, it takes me back to when I lived among the English, my 12th common in law wife Phyllis who was a Sassenach herself, something I never let the old cow forget.
I'd be a regular at the hangings, in fact I had bought season tickets many a time, I was a right swinger.

I remember on Friday mornings phyllis would be in the kitchen making the lard sandwiches for our packed lunches, that was before Hitler bombed our bread and after that only the rich toffs got bread, we working class had to make do with cardboard or squares of skin cut from yer own leg .

The kids couldn't sleep with excitement the night before and were up early their little faces glowing with anticipation, to cut doon on whining for the long train ride to Pentonville Prison we'd hint that they were going to somewhere like Blackpool, we'd say, "have you packed yer swimming costume, bucket and spade?" and left the rest to their imaginations.

Children don't know whats good for them, donkey rides are for babies, seeing grown men twitch and shit themselves at the end of a rope now theres proper education right there, they'll thank me for it someday, well not June shes been a basket case for the last 63 years.

You just never know what you'll get, a Nazi, a conscientious objector or just yer average criminal, when the war went into full swing so to speak the criminals all joined the services.

They stopped selling tickets at Pentonville Prison citing national security or Defence Regulation 18b as it was then.
Now the only entertainment the young uns get are those video games where you play Postman Pat with a gun that wants to kill his fellow employees or a pay per view cage match, barbaric I say.