Sunday, May 20, 2007

Land Of The Free For 4 Easy Payments Of $29.99.

Matthew McConaughey in Reign of Fire, a kick ass film, for fucks sake look how big his chopper is.

I think that people who say that they don't watch much or any TV sound a bit too smug for my liking, suggesting that they are special because they don't know who anyone one is in the world of celebrity, especially when they are on the computer all the time instead. Anyway I don't watch much TV as its mostly shite but I do spend hours on the computer and like to watch films.
If I'm depressed I'll watch any old shite on the idiot box and loathe myself afterwards for what I have become the usual, but even in a suicidal gloom with my shotgun in my mouth I still refuse to watch reality shows about dancing and singing, how fucking ghey can you get?

America is probably the most hated country in the world right? yes even Iran and North Korea are nicer.The media has not helped this with their little snipes at the Yanks and its just not on.

Two animated movies,'The Rescuers' and 'Finding Nemo' make derogatory comments about the Yanks, both pitting Australian characters against the land of humping apple pie and Uncle Sam who is not really yer uncle and we won't tell yer da when he gets out of prison.

Then there is Reign of Fire, a story set in the near future when the world is ruled by vicious Dragons. A Buff Christian Bale and his Scottish side kick Gerard Butler (Murdarrrrr! the 300) watch as a tank rolls towards them with a crazed Matthew McConaughey sitting on top looking like a muscular penis with tribal tattoos , it wasn't established what tribe he belonged to.

Gerard Butler mumbles to Bale, "Theres only one thing worse than dragons...........Americans."

"In Texas everything is bigger even the Dragons, we use their claws as butt plugs cos we are tough hombres cum to save yer ass again."

Who will save our arses from the Yanks I ask? its tough being cute.