Wednesday, May 2, 2007

We British Are So Superior.

"Sydney Australia ? how the fuck did we end up here?"

Remember the World War II flying ace Group Captain Sir Douglas Robert Steuart Bader, CBE, DSO and Bar not to mention having 2 pubs and a garden named after him ?

In 1931 while performing acrobatic stunts at an air show his wing clipped the ground, the resulting crash meant he had to have both legs amputated, the entry he made after the crash in his logbook was," Crashed slow-rolling near ground. Bad show."

Its thought he was more advantaged than able bodied pilots as he could pull off the zero G turns without blacking out because the blood didn't rush to his feet. By 1941 he had shot doon 22 Krauts. When shot doon himself he was taken POW he tried to escape so many times they threatened to take his legs away. One of his many nicknames was "Old Tin Legs".

World War II fighter pilot Wing Commander Geoffrey Page, DSO, OBE, DFC and Bar, survived horrific burns and against the odds returned to fight the Germans though he had a faulty eyelid and terrible pain in his rebuilt hands he shot doon 15 planes, even by Battle of Britain standards he was 'the bravest of the brave".

In 2004 blind Steve Cunningham flew a plane from the famous air field Biggin Hill, Kent to Newcastle then Glasgow and finally Belfast . He had a co-pilot but was in full control of the plane.

He has broken records for the fastest blind man on land and water and is also captain of the England blind football team they may score more goals for the opposition but give them a fucking break, they're blind.
His land speed record was an average speed of more than 147mph driving a Chrysler Dodge Viper on a Leicestershire airfield.

Now this week a blind British pilot Miles Hilton-Barber and his seeing guide co-pilot Richard Meredith-Hardey, despite both being crippled by ghey toff like names flew a microlight from London to Sydney .

I pity the rest of the world for not being British as they surely must really be full of self loathing, I also pity for some of my fellow Brits for not being Scottish. I can only hope for their sake one of their ancestors was impregnated by a dirty drunken Scot thus improving the gene pool.

A message to the cowardly murdering scum Al Qaeda, our blind British pilots would have noticed 2 giant buildings in the way and avoided them, I guess if God had meant for 3rd world Camel Jockeys to fly he would of made them smarter than dogs.