Monday, May 14, 2007

This Is Not A Drill, Its A Gun.

During recent discussions we have debated in a lively fashion about the responsibilities adults have in relation to children under their care. In Tennessee a place I know nothing about and would never want to go there teachers in charge of an Elementary school trip to a state park decided to thrill the sixty-nine 11 year-olds by convincing them there was a gunman loose in the building and to all lie doon on the ground. A teacher cunningly disguised in a hoodie pulled at the locked door. They turned the lights out on them and about 20 kids started to cry thinking they were going to be killed.

The terror lasted for 5 minutes as the teachers wanted it to be a learning experience and I think the kids learned that the Assistant Principal Don Bartch who was in charge of the trip puts the ass in assistant.

Last month a few days shy of the day the Virginia tech shootings happened killing 33 people, what the fuck were these slack jawed cunts thinking? I bet they are a real hoot at home,"honey I just got a call and your father just died in a car crash, no I was only kidding but how did that make you feel?" "Timmy Worf the dog ran away, I'm so sorry, nope only kidding but what were you thinking for those 5 minutes when you sat and cried?"

Fucking mongs, no wonder the kids are growing up stupid with these people teaching them.