Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Skinny Dying Fucker.

" I couldn't sell my hoose for 20 years because of that fucking mural now its a tourist attraction, funny how things work out."

The last weeks in the life of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands are to be made into a film, called 'Hunger' it will be shown on Channel 4 next year.

Sands aged 27, died in Northern Ireland's Maze Prison in May 1981, shortly after being elected an MP I suppose MP looks better than terrorist. The Maze (or Long Kesh) is the prison that held terrorists which is now closed doon and all the prisoners released in one of Blair's stupid moves for peace.

Bobby Sands refused food for 66 days in a protest over political status and the treatment of republican prisoners in the Maze prison. He was the first of 10 men to die but no one remembers the names of the other 9 losers, well the Fenians might but who cares?

I hope they include the smearing of shit all over their cell walls or dirty protest as it was called, the guards soon came to the conclusion that if they want to live like that and not eat then fair play to the dirty cunts.
The hunger strike centred around "Five Demands":

The right not to wear a prison uniform;
The right not to do prison work;
The right of free association with other prisoners;
The right to organise their own educational and recreational facilities;
The right to one visit, one letter and one parcel per week.

The significance of the hunger strike was to be declared as political prisoners not as criminals, in my own humble opinion the IRA are all criminals much like their Prod counterparts the UVF. You're in prison for a reason laddy.

The film maker who goes by the name Steve McQueen is a Turner Prize-winning artist or twat if you will, is all set to make Sands more of a hero for protesting and dying for his cause in the only way he was able to at least its only on Channel 4 , no need to dig up the past so close to the fragile peace well unless you're going to dig him up to show off in a side show.

Murals of Bobby Sands have been up on the sides of hooses for years now, hes got his 72 virgins and will always be remembered for his slim figure and bad hair do .