Friday, May 11, 2007

Folks Just Called Him Yeller.

Democrat Joseph Kennedy Sr, a fan of Hitler and his anti-Semitic views, not a fan of the British it all boils doon to potatoes, hmmmm boiled potatoes .

I may have mentioned before my dislike of the Kennedys . Originally from an Irish clan who were the first to wear helmets when they fought against the vikings, no doubt worried about their massive heads even back then . JFK the golden boy, Bobby the other one and Ted Kennedy the secretary killer. They are more or less the same person, shifty rich boys better than everyone else, sticking their dicks into anyone they want and the wives will understand as that's the rules of the family.

Then there is the sad story of Rosemary who was the very pretty sister they said was mildly retarded and so her father had her lobotomised and put into various nursing homes before she could get pregnant and disgrace the family she died in 2005. There were a few others, you know what those Catholics are like with their breeding.

Joseph Kennedy the patriarch of the family became the US ambassador to London in the 1930's, a very powerful position. When Hitler took Holland he panicked and thought Britain was hopelessly lost, he called for appeasement. Churchill once said about appeasement . An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

Some Yanks living in London created the 1st American Squadron of Home Guard, he sneered at them warning that they would only make America look bad when Hitler invaded.

He believed that Churchill should take any deal with Hitler and that the people should rise to overthrow Churchill if he didn't.
Kennedy being of Irish/Boston stock was a businessman who never understood the British and to a point resented them .
If he had known them he would never had suggested that the Royal children and the gold reserves be sent to Canada for safe keeping, the Queen immediately said "no".

Kennedy was a chickenshit, he was afraid of getting bombed (even tough it hadn't started yet) so he rented a mansion 25 miles away from London to be safe, saying he wanted to avoid formal dinners all the while the Embassy staff lived in the city.

When Churchill on numerous occasions requested help and supplies from Roosevelt Kennedy always suggested that they refuse to help.
In 1940 there was a saying in government circles, " I thought my daffodils were yellow until I met Joe Kennedy".
Henry (chips) Channon who was a supporter of Chamberlain and against the war summed Kennnedy up in a diary entry.
"I talked to Mr Kennedy, the new American Ambassador whose chief merit seems to be that he has nine children."

When Churchill ordered the French navy destroyed at Oran killing 1297 French sailors before it could fall into German or Italian hands all the defeatist opinions that Kennedy said to Roosevelt no longer mattered as this impressed the hell out of the US president, hardly our finest hour but the world saw Britain for the Bulldog it was and those nations hesitant to take a stand against evil now thought, if Britain could do this to an ally what might she do to her enemy?

Kennedy went back to Washington and the Yanks sold us weapons as we left most of ours behind at Dunkirk,thats another story you'll not want to hear.