Wednesday, May 9, 2007

You Goofy Looking Fucker.

A TV station run by Palestinian political terrorist and catering group Hamas has put a children's show out featuring Farfur a strangely familiar mouse and his gurl child co-star Saraa.

It teaches about Islamic supremacy and the correct way to hate Israel and the US, valuable lessons for a future sandsavage.
To keep things fun and light Saraa reminds the viewers about the Palestinian prisoners and asks what will you say to Allah when he asks what did you give for their sake.

Farfur: "Yes, we, tomorrow's pioneers, will restore to this nation its glory, and we will liberate Al-Aqsa, with Allah's will, and we will liberate Iraq, with Allah's will, and we will liberate the Muslim countries, invaded by murderers."

Saraa: "Yes, they are children occupied by the Jews, but with the will of Allah, we will resist and protect against the Zionist occupation."

Farfur: "Until we win, with the will of Allah, we will resist until we win."

All good stuff, who needs the Wiggles when you have this class act? it only confirms my hatred for such chicken shit terrorist groups and their political wings that pretend to be the hero of the people all the while using them and stoking the fires of hate and making sure the next generation are doomed as well.
No word on whether Disney will sue, its funny they copy such a well known symbol of America to teach hate against it maybe I'm right about Disney being evil.

Don't you fuckin tell me that Disney isn't evil, I saw Mickey tear that child apart with his strong mouse hands, the gloves are for mouse finger prints.

The happiest place on Earth, well Donald is looking a bit too happy don't ya think? I rest my case.

The judge looks down on Mickey and says, "I'm not going to grant you a divorce just because Minnie was having and affair.

"Mickey replied, "I didn't say she was cheating, I said she was fucking Goofy!"