Monday, May 7, 2007

Get yer dirty Ape Paws Off Me Knob.

He wants a buck at yer weemen.

Those silly Austrians are at it again. They want Hiasl a 26 year old male chimpanzee legally declared a person.
He likes pastry, painting, watching TV though doesn't like coffee, can't blame him there, all very human qualities.

They want this as the sanctuary the creature lives in went bust and they want a guardian for him that can accept donations to keep the wee fucker in croissants and cream buns, his Jackson Pollock art and his reruns of Baywatch.

Fuck off, the hairy bastard lives better than me, £13,400 a month for vet bills too.

Then again I have often wondered about my fellow Bloggers and are they really human or not. I'm not talking about Gorilla Bananas or Primal Sneeze here I'm talking about yer Warings , Paddys and quite obviously Noilk, the ones who try to hide it but you can just tell, especially after Waring had his freshly shaved Primate arse posted on Mj's Blog, please do not go and look I didn't put a link in this post as I'm not an enabler, oh check out Tony's bum too, hes Slavic not monkey, there is a slight difference.

Those silly Austrians, 70 years ago they wouldn't accept a black person as a human and now they want to make an Ape a human, you lose 2 world wars and you become totally ghey, c'mon do a bit of Goose stepping for old times sake, hey what about those Jews? killed Jesus you know, ach they're useless.
*I swear this is the last post I'll do about Krauts and the war *as I seem to be mentioning them all quite a bit, the flashbacks never stop just say no to drugs.

Hiasl is a 26 year old loafer , kick the feces throwing fucker out and tell him to get a job if hes so human, maybe something in IT or law enforcement .
*Of course I am totally lying*