Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Time Waits For Nomads.

"Ach this Whiskey is older than my last wife but it does taste better."

For those concerned I'm fucking pished so fuck off.

When you spread some dead persons ashes out to sea as they requested you don't go out and bring them back in now do you? so when Canadian James Doohan 85 when he died ,the most famous fake Scotsman in the world, Engineer Scotty of Star Trek wanted his ashes to be shot into space did he know what all that entailed?

Along with the remains of 200 other people it was shot up to the edge of space via rocket and then it fell back to earth.
I pictured something grand like being deployed into space into a decaying orbit to burn up on re-entry .

Nope, they launched it in New Mexico which has less calories than the old Mexico and it landed there too. It landed in the mountains and was lost for 3 weeks. Doohan did have Alzheimer's at the end of his life, maybe he just wondered off.

So what happens now? he sits in a vase on the mantelpiece while his 31 year-old widow looks after their 5 year-old and entertains her boyfriends? seems like a bit of a con to me, maybe they also do burials at sea from inside their bathrooms, a Viking funeral on the barbecue or yer more conventional burials were you're put into a skip and end up at a land fill.
I don't care what happens to me when I'm dead, its not like I'll feel it. Maybe I'd like to be varnished till I'm solid and water proof and used by the village elders to de-flower young gurls in some kind of Pagan entering womanhood ceremony .
Remember water proof not water resistant theres another con, things are only water resistant until they actually get wet then they are well ruined , and when you buy a watch thats shock proof what are ya a mong? who the fuck jumps out and scares watches? while we're on the subject, those self winding watches, all lies. I got this big fuck off Sekonda self winding watch, I sat it doon on the table and waited, 3 days had passed and never once did it wind itself up cos I was watching.