Thursday, May 31, 2007

The McCanns To See Cats.

In a bid to get their missing daughter back the McCanns are to see Cats the musical. Mr McCann said earlier," We have mixed emotions about the decision to see Cats but this is what Madeleine would have wanted, the wife wanted to see 'Rent' but its no time to be thinking about ourselves what kind of people do you think we are?"
Taken from Mr McCann's Blog @ find
20.30-23.00 We try to sit down for a family meal, again usually cooked by one of the small family group out here with us. Chat about the day’s events and plan the next day
23.30 bed and prayer for Madeleine that she will be returned to us safely ASAP.
In addition to above we try to attend various church services during the week, and make multiple phone calls to family and friends. We try to watch the main news early morning and late evening but have had almost no time to read the newspapers or even look at the pictures!
Kate is a keen runner and in the last few days has tried to include a run in the daily routine. Yesterday (Sat) at 7am we ran to the monument at the top of the steep cliff overlooking Praia de Luz. We reached it in 19 minutes.
And here is one of their comments:
Hello,we are a wholesaler of clothes from China, if you are interested in us, please click our website ;We are awfully sorry if we disturb you.
I may have to give him a few blogging hints that don't make him sound like boring cunt, nice to see what they are up to though, if I lost my child this is what I'd be doing too.
666 Posts, last published on May 31, 2007 suck on my evil you bitches it only goes doon hill into a pit of damnation from here on.