Sunday, May 6, 2007

We're All Friends Now.

The Ulster Volunteer Force which for you know nothings out there is a protestant paramilitary group responsible for killing at least up to 500 people in Northern Ireland over the past few decades has made a statement that they are renouncing violence and has cease to become a terrorist organisation . They also said that if you don't believe them they'll blow yer knee caps off and are not awaiting government funding to remain peaceful, a bit like farm subsidies.

They have decided they are sentimental about their weapons and will hold onto them keeping them "beyond reach" which probably means they are too lazy to get off the sofa to get them.

The UVF are the mean fuckers whose campaign of violence claimed the lives of 33 people in bomb attacks in Dublin and Monaghan in 1974, unlike the other prod paramilitaries they were quite successful at murdering people.

The UVF and its associated group, the Red Hand Commando, "will assume a non-military, civilianised role".

The statement also condemned any criminal activity by its members, and said they should "cooperate fully with the lawful authorities in all possible instances" terms and conditions apply to that as usual which means if it suits them to cooperate they will, handing over their weapons doesn't suit them.

The UVF has accepted that "the IRA's war is over" and said it was making this move now because it was satisfied that Northern Ireland's place within the United Kingdom was now safe. Yes we won no thanks to you thick necked cunts however I wouldn't call it safe, you shall be assimilated, start learning Gaelic lads.

The Police Service Northern Ireland said: "Whilst we welcome today's announcement, individuals and organisations will be judged by their actions - actions always speak louder than words."
More money in drugs and protection anyway.