Thursday, May 17, 2007

Vision Technician Drowned In His Bucket.

Window Cleaner Mark (buckets) Fairhurst aged 35 of Wigan, Greater Manchester was found by his customer, Elizabeth Bebe in June 2006 with his head submerged in water .

The Coroner said that Mr fairhurst collapsed and fell with his head in his own bucket of water, a heart condition may have caused the collapse but the cause of death was drowning because he was unable to save himself.

Fairhurst had been assaulted in August 2005 which had led to memory problems so a blackout may have also caused it too, who knows? its not like medicine is an exact science or anything.

Incredible whats the fucking odds in that happening?

Its all very tragic I'm sure but c'mon how unlucky do ya have to be? its like that film 'Final destination' when yer number is up its up no cheating death he would have been hit by a bus on his way home anyway.

I was a Window Cleaner or Vision technician as they prefer to be called now. The work tied in nicely with my hobby as a peeping Tom, its sad when a customer outlives their window cleaner . I packed it in out of fear, I heard on the news that Jack Frost had killed 14 people mostly elderly and a few of them were my customers, I wasn't hanging round waiting for no serial killer which was when I became a Tramp herder aboard a tramp steamer (cattle are cleaner than tramps anyday) it was about 2 months later when someone told me they must of meant the cold weather had killed the people off boy did I feel foolish. the job has changed now, its all aluminium ladders and plastic buckets and you need a degree.

The good news is that Mr Fairhurst had finished all the windows and that Ms Bebe didn't have to pay that week.