Thursday, May 17, 2007

Take Me To Yer I-pod.

What a goofy looking twat, happy or terrified ? hard to tell though he does have more range of emotion than Charles Bronsan ever did.

One of the funniest things I've seen this year was Professor Stephen Hawking floating about in the vomit comet. A Boeing 727 that dives allowing 25 second bursts of weightlessness he had 4 minutes zero G in total.

The Professor suffers from a motor neuron disease and it would be wrong if I mocked the great man who has over cum all to become one of the greatest thinkers of our time, I said it would be wrong I didn't say it would stop me, besides whats he going to do beat me up?

The man is paralysed and in a wheelchair and talks through a Metal Mickey (Robbie the robot for yank cultural references) device that is funny as fuck to hear.

I was sitting doon at the social security office waiting room, one of my cheques hadn't cum in and to be honest I was shitting bricks in case they had found the body of the true claimant. Sitting opposite was a child with an electronic spelling game, his mum was on the phone talking about her holiday she'd be taking soon, those fuckers on unemployment benefit are fucking millionaires it makes me sick.
Well this boy must have been a bit of a tard as he kept hitting the game to spell out new words fast and repeatedly, on and on. I noticed the voice was very similar to a certain professor so then I listened to the words it was spelling out , spit,lap,sick,hit,rat,big,lick,sad,cut,stub,slot,bun,rot,jug and fellatio, well ok maybe not the last one. These are all words used in common Blogging vocabulary only the most skillful use them as innuendo.

My theory, Stephen Hawking has been dead for years now and no one has noticed, the nanites that help him speak have taken over his brain the man is now part dead part computer, his trip on the vomit comet helped him transmit orders to electronic devices like a satellite all over the world . Rather than take over humanity by force they get into our psyche and kill the human imagination and power of basic reasoning (I notice this in others all the time) so the next generation of people will be bloggers who can only use 4 letter fucking words to get their fucking point across all the while there is the rise of the machines and before you know it we're all talking like Metal fucking Mickey . Its a fucking scary thing.

I was called in to a cubical and sitting across the desk from me was a Dalek , it pointed its plunger right at me, its toilet must have been bunged up as shit was still dripping from it then in a Stephen Hawking voice it said "exterminate exterminate" I blinked and shook my head and the Dalek was gone, sitting there was a petite large breasted gurl with red hair, it was the hair that set off my hallucination, fuck the yanks and the use of Agent Orange in Nam, I was there in 68 worse holiday ever.