Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bleach Kills Off Harmful Brain Cells.

1)Who shot JFK?
2)Where is Lord Lucan?
3)Was Marilyn Monroe murdered?
4)Was Harry Houdini murdered?

now its how did Anna Nicole Smith die?

Just to answer those questions

1) A lone commie of course (maybe Dive)
2) last seen Lord Lucan riding on the racehorse Shergar towards a glue factory.
3) of course she was, the Kennedys are cunts.
4) When you chain yerself up and get into a box and lowered into a river what do you think might happen?

To be honest I don't really give a fuck, the Anna Nicole Smith thing has lasted longer than her allotted 15 minutes of fame.
Since her death her name has been used in the same sentence as Marilyn Munroe on way too many occasions. Anna being a fan, saying she wanted to die the same way, dying of an overdose as Ted Kennedy wouldn't do it as he has sworn off killing weemen , she also died at the same age as Munroe 39, and oh she was blonde.

I'm no fan of Marilyn Munroe, she had a nice arse and that's about it. Not a great role model for weemen but the thing is even though she was an alcoholic drug addicted tortured soul she was actually a smart woman playing a sex object dumb blonde. Smith actually was that stupid.

It would be sad if Anna Nicole Smith was the Marilyn Munroe of today as it shows you just how low our standards have gotten, a pathetic copycat.
I talked ill of Smith when she was alive and I'm not going to be a hypocrite now, its just a pity they let mongs like her breed.
Remember when she was fat? she was a joke and no one went "boy is she sexy" then she got back into shape and the media went gag gag, to me she was the same thick as fuck dozy talentless gold digger with the drunken slur and glazed look.

I don't like to be told whats sexy by the media, so and so is sexy because they are on TV and we call them Dr McDreamy or something, never mind that he is a known wife beater and torturer of small animals and don't tell me the Desperate Hoosewives are hot, the little Mexican one would be if she wasn't such a silly bint.

Physical attraction started out in animals to pick the strongest, most intelligent mate we could as to multiply our species as our DNA imperative compels us to do. Nature seeing that humans were getting far too successful which as you can see is a bad thing as the Earth cannot take it so Nature finds a way, it makes Gheys so there is no breeding, and it makes men be attracted to dumb blondes who are voted most likely to drop their babies if they have them. All this celebrity 3 rd world adoption is against Nature so expect a backlash .

Getting back to Anna Nicole Smith, did anyone not know she was high all the time? I bet when she gets to heaven Marilyn will say,"keep that stalker away from me."