Monday, March 12, 2007

Fucking Venting .

There is a town in Austria called Fucking and they get really fucked off sometimes because people keep stealing the signs, sure it may seem like a lark at the time until you wake up the next day with a massive hangover a Fucking sign sticking out of yer 50 inch TV and covered in the blood of the hooker that's in various states of dismemberment around yer hoose, c'mon you've been there, not really a story to tell friends when they ask why can't they watch the match on yer TV. Never mind the Football (soccer if your'e a cunt) I have a sign with a rude word on it ::::giggle giggle::::

I write this post fucking raging (angry to you non English speaking tossers) I've already posted below today , a nice big post with thought put into it, go fucking appreciate it now but then I got angry and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry yes I know you don't like me anyway, its a Blog not a popularity contest. "Why are you mad Old Knudsen?" oh finally someone that gives a fuck, I'll tell ya why, something called a spam challenge, nothing to do with the processed meat taken from the arse of pigs its one of them security codes whenever you make a comment so the the spam bots don't get past. Do I look like a spam bot? what fucking spam bot would be making a comment about licking strawberry jam off some woman's nipples and offering to shave her back?

My eye sight isn't the best at times and me glasses have been stolen by Slavs (probably, no proof as of yet) so I sit an inch away from the screen and type what I think it shows, I'm pretty sure I get it but no, sometimes Blogger feels sorry for me and after a tough one I get an idiots one, this grey speckled one here was a real cunt. I believe they sometimes make up letters by sticking two letters together.