Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Welsh Are Funny As Fuck.

"I'm not dead yet", does this look like the face of a man that can take a joke at his own expense?

You know its bad when the Welsh are making fun of you, that's worse than the Irish for fuck sake.
At dinner just before the Welsh Labour conference in the presence of Wales and Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain and PM Tony Blair, the first minister of Wales Rhodri Morgan told a joke about Democratic Unionist Party leader and God's representative on Earth Ian Paisley.

Mr Morgan said Mr Paisley converted to Catholicism before dying because he thought it better to lose a Catholic than a Protestant.

The DUP who are famed for having a magnificent sense of humour as all Prods do said Dr Paisley would not be commenting about the "poor taste" joke.
Though Ian Paisley Junior, Dr Paisley's son, has laughed at it and suggested that politicians should have thicker skin. I don't know if he meant incase the Fenians shot at them they could deflect the bullets or to not be bothered by remarks.

Mr Morgan said he didn't mean to cause offense as he had just broken up with his long time sheep partner and was feeling confused and vulnerable.