Monday, March 12, 2007

Those Zany Jews.

The Israeli diplomatic service trains candidates for years in BDSM, Arab bashing and child pornography, oh and a bit of diplomacy but not too much.
Israel has recalled its ambassador to El Salvador.
Two weeks ago Ambassador Tzuriel Refael was found by police in the Israeli embassy compound drunk and naked apart from the bondage gear he was wearing, he was able to identify himself after the police removed his rubber ball gag.

Mr Refael explaining his loss of erection when he realised his diplomatic career was over.

Mr Refael has not broken any laws he has only been accused of "behaviour that is unbecoming of a diplomat" a US president maybe but not an Israeli diplomat.

Israeli special farces also have a similar training program, it helps to endure torture or so they say.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad commented " All Jews are pedophiles and perverts and should be wiped off the face of the earth." When asked about how the 54 year old Prophet Muhammad had sex with his 9 year old wife he shrugged and said, "that's different."

Mel Gibson refused to make a comment but he did have a smug smile on his face.