Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Very Compassionate People......The Rescue.

British female sailor Faye Turney the 14 servicemen seized with her have been paraded on Iranian TV . Leading Seaman Turney was shown separate from the others wearing a headscarf and smoking, she has made statements along the lines of how friendly her captives are and that they are all unharmed .

"They were very friendly and very hospitable, very thoughtful, good people."
"They explained to us why we had been arrested. There was no aggression, no hurt, no harm. They
were very, very compassionate."
The gunboats surrounding them all had non aggressive smiley faces painted onto them.

Seaman Turney, 26, said they had been seized in the Gulf because "obviously we trespassed" in Iranian waters - something the UK disputes."
The other Sailors and Marines have been shown sitting around a table eating .
It has been said that Seaman Turney the only female of the group will be released soon.
Why is she being singled out for special treatment? I fear the other men will be treated rougher if she does go as she will point out that they weren't harmed while she was there. I personally would tell the Arabs to fuck off, being a leading seamen I'd have a responsibility. I'd say all of us out or nothing, sure I'm not there so its easy for me to say that.
I'm going on my past experiences and actions I know what I would do, go on Arab slap me about a bit and then put me in front of a camera.
The only good weemen in warfare today are the Israelis, you wouldn't dare treat them as a woman you'd see them as a soldier and treat them accordingly which is what I hear that weemen want, equality.

Defence Secretary Des Browne said it was "completely unacceptable to parade our people in this way".
Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said in a statement she was "very concerned" about the pictures.

Greatest Blogger of all time Old Knudsen said, " we have 185 nukes, what are we waiting for?"

I secured the use of a Navy mine sweeper so me and the lads headed off to Iran to kick some bottoms. The rescue attempt was all going well until we saw the Liberty statue. After grabbing a fellow off the street who we tortured er I mean questioned for 2 hours we came to the conclusion we were in America, no one could speak English very well so it was hard to say. Archie's blood sugar was getting low and he just remembered he had library books to return so we headed back to the boat and knocked back a few cans of beer and a bacon sarnie, as to the fella we grabbed, I'm very sorry Rich no hard feelings right? those cigarette burns on yer penis should heal in a couple of weeks you should tell yer wife to stop smoking in bed though.

After the UK pointed out that the position Iran gave for the merchant ship was in Iraqi waters Iran then provided alternative position, now within Iranian waters. Make up yer mind ya Sand savages. I don't suppose lying matters much anymore the moral high ground has been lowered over the last century, though this act was definitely out of order.

Its one thing to kidnap troops, I mean the cheeky Arabs do that stuff all the time just ask Hezbollah and how they bravely captured sleeping Israeli soldiers, how did that work out for you? I guess you must of liked being in the stone age.
To put our troops onto a reality show is unforgivable. The worse was when they were split into teams to see who could make and burn an effigy of Blair the fastest. Seman Stains showed his hidden talent with the glue gun and his team were allowed a plate of chips while the other team ate the Sand savage food again, sexual tensions among the group seems to be high and if we don't get them back soon Roger the cabin boy may be in some trouble.

Will it be chips or jacket spuds? will it be salad or frozen peas? will it be mushrooms? fried onion rings? you'll get Sand savage crap instead.

I will be going onto the Blog belonging to Mahmoud Admainejad and leaving some nasty comments, anonymously of course.

Mohammad and his 9 year old child bride Ayesha, still happens today in various cuntries in the Middle East and other places so no more yapping about slavery yap about this instead .