Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm sorry that you're ugly.

Since my last post about ugly twins being a funny joke played by the Almighty (God not Oprah) I've been made to think about their feelings and how such criticism during their vulnerable teenage years could stay with them all their lives and make them feel bad as any of us.
So I've posted a picture of MJ and her brother MJ and urge you all to look past the features and see what good people they are inside, no matter what hes done and what shes said about me having a large penis, cruel talk indeed.

Maybe then a complex about Barry Bondage's nipples here would have stopped him from posing for pictures dressed like this and putting it on the Interweb, so this leads me to think God has a plan for certain cruelty in the name good taste so I am therefore being used by God, wow what a leap of logic.