Thursday, March 15, 2007

Its Flea Season.

I am also Stavros from the Kebab shop, would you like some hair in yer food?

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Al-Qaeda's big juicy # 3 has finally of his own accord without duress has confessed to being a mastermind behind the 9/11 attack, when I say mastermind just how clever do you have to be to get brainwashed flunkies to aim airliners at building after hours of flight training?

He spent 3 and a half years in CIA custody and the constant repeats of Spongebob and Desperate Hoosewives has made the fucker crack, no deals involved I'm sure.
He has confessed to

Planning 9/11
The first WTC bombings
The 2002 Bali Bombings
The attack on a Kenyan Hotel
Beheading journalist Daniel Pearl
Planning numerous attacks on places like the Empire state building and Big fucking Ben which is the bell in the clock you tourists.

hes also admitted to
Watergate, Heaven's gate and sucking off Bill Gates
He planned Star Wars Episode one , is there no end to his evil?
He sunk the Rainbow warrior and blamed it on the French (as if they would have the balls to blow up a boat full of hippies)
He is responsible for bad hair days and the insecure view weemen have of themselves.
He is the brother to Jim and John Belushi.
He never lifts the seat to pee and he ate the last donut and blamed agent White.

Yes indeed we got the fucker.I was brought in as a consult but the CIA were doing fine. I did make the suggestion of cellophane over the toilet bowl when he peed and a pet doggie. We also told him Mecca was in the other direction as he had no access to windows and cooked bacon sarnies outside his cell.
The olden days it would be no sleep and bamboo up the finger nails but now we have to play nice so we can beat the Sandsavage in a civilised way, so hows that working out? World War II never had constant up to the minute body counts, no wonder everyone feels like they've lost.