Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What The Fluck China?

"What the fluck! this Knudsen is a plick but look at Harry Potter's wang."

Tony over at Bench (really ebench) informed me that Old Bitter Balls is banned in China which was strange as I was getting a lot of hits from China that came straight to me and hid their details, maybe the government caught on to the subversiveness of my Blog and put a clamp doon on it .

Tony is a good lad, a little Polish in places and has a habit of sticking things up his willy, a Polish tradition perhaps.
I did indeed check it and I am blocked, I tried someone else's blog they weren't blocked but I could get to my blog from their link so up yers Chinese government. I still get hits from two readers I know of in Hong Kong and I still get hits from other parts of China maybe I'm not as banned as the website says, I bet this post will attract the little yellow surfers .

Maybe it was my post on how China was breeding an army of horny males to invade the world I don't know, wheres yer sense of humour Johnny yellow man?

There are more than 50,000 Internet cafes some open for 24 hours and the biggest has more than 1000 computers.
Pornography and foreign news sites (same thing?) are blocked to protect the young, you could be jailed for having a blog like mine, hell I know I should be, the police use software to monitor all interweb cafes and see if anyone's breaking the rules if you look at a site you shouldn't, there will be an alarm beeping in the police station and they can see which computer in which cafe is looking at which site, sounds very much like Burma to me.

If there are any cuff links that get through to my BLOG OF FREEDOM enjoy it my little yellow friends you are not alone, no really theres cops at yer front door, out the back like a milkman.
I don't like China much, it reminds me of all the other big cuntries in the world, they have so many people they don't mind too much what happens to them. Also they go around beating dogs to death with sticks, have they not heard of McDonald's ? bad environmental policies, bad human rights record but thats enough about America.

The Chinese government has vowed to have a Parliament for the people while outside the Parliament building in Tienanmen Square guards are posted it to arrest any citizens that turn up.

There are people called 'The Petitioners" the poor common folk that have written doon their problems and injustices on paper and travel from their villages to Beijing to petition the National Petition Office or the Ministry of State .
For centuries, Chinese citizens have come from across the country to throw themselves at the emperor's feet, begging to be heard when there is no other hope.

The modern day petitioners get rounded up by the police interrogated and sent back to their villages, especially during times of important meetings.

Rei Jiancai a petitioner has spent a decade campaigning against local corruption. "I've been tortured three times," he says. "My wife is being held in a labour camp. But I can't give up."

How to get blocked from China in one easy step, talk about China.