Sunday, March 25, 2007

Body Count Of Love.

I think people wake up everyday and say "how can I annoy Old Knudsen today?" The picture above is of the baby Polar Bear King Knut. It was born in a German Zoo, it's twin died and little Knut was rejected by its mummy, are ya crying yet? ya hard heartless bastards.
I am no fan of Zoos, to me they are like places where you put animals in cages and people pay to watch them or something like that. I do like Polar Bears though, with all that muscle their meat is quite lean with a salty flavour to it, not bad, also they look lovely and cuddly right up to the moment where they dismember you.

Some animal rights activist called for King Knut to be clubbed to death as it would now be dependent on humans and what kind of life is that? Well its bad when the Germans that ran the Zoo said "nein ve cannot do it Vuck off " I mean the Germans love to kill things, they'd bugger it first no doubt, a sick people.

I now call on everyone that knows an animal rights activist to club them to death as what kind of life are they having among us humans? they are dependent on humans for their Dole money (Welfare) and other funding as its not like dirty hippies to do a drop of work, too busy crying about the seals that go out clubbing. Go on people, its for their own good, get me a body count of love.