Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Little Yellow Cunts.

Yellowman which was the name of a hard candy I would eat as a child, we'd get it at fairs and the like along with Dulse, hows that for a non sequitur before the post even starts?

For the last two or three days I've been getting many hits from South Korea searching for the word 'cunt' yes I was shocked too as they came to my site while looking for this vulgar word and I hope they enjoyed my post entitled what else? CUNT . Old Knudsen is doing his part to educate the unenlightened races of the world . Remember my little noodle eating friends, cunt is not just a name for a vagina or a rude name like 'fucker', in the Commonwealth cuntries it can be used for many things including a term of endearment , "you pack of cunts " Shakespeare used it in Hamlet I believe, when he said cuntry instead of country pertaining to the lap of a lady, a cunt has many uses, use it wisely and repect the cunt and the cunt will respect you.