Saturday, March 17, 2007

So What Did You Do This Weekend?

Well I didn't do that gurl in the picture, that's called poetic licence or wishful thinking.
I got turned doon by 14 weemen and 1 man. I suppose the chat up line "do ya buck or what?" has seen its day.
I got drunk, acted a lad threw up and woke up in the middle of the night wet. I had got my hair cut like George Clooney beforehand but I suppose my Playboy hat hid my charms.
I didn't get mistaken for Irish but I did get to kick an American tourist twice in the ribs who asked about kilts.

Just my luck to pick 14 weemen that were leezers and one guy that was very pretty who must of been ghey or something.

This is my post, like it or lump it but I'm kinda drunk so fuck ya.