Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Red Nose Day 16th March.

This week there will be a very important event to the lives of many, the day before that is Red Nose Day, a charity drive run by Comic Relief, you can buy red noses for yer face or the front of yer car and support them that way or give them straight money. This drive much like 'Children in Need' takes up most of the TV schedule for the night and wouldn't be so bad if it was interesting, ok I gave you my 50p now put something good on and I'll hear the amount raised tomorrow.
Then theres those cunts that don't take their red nose off their car afterwards just like those that keep their poppy from remembrance day and wear it the next year, ya mean shites, its all about appearance for you what are ya a liberal?
Old Knudsen doesn't like to be told what to do, I did spend years in the army slowly but surely becoming more belligerent as time went on, now I can't abide idiots, especially those that think they can tell me what to do.
I see people rattling a bucket in my face as being told to give because if you don't you'll look bad in front of other people.
I was cuming out of a supermarket once, we'll call it slainsburys, this coloured chappy shook a cup at me to give money to some church, I walked passed him and shook my head, he called after me, "Jesus loves you anyway" what does he know about who Jesus loves, did he know him? you passive aggressive wanker.

Heres what Old Knudsen does, when I have money to spare I quietly give a few quid to charity, its my way of giving thanks and helping others, its a charity of my choice in fact its the Buddhists as you don't see them driving around in a Mercedes and they help people everywhere.
I wonder if the Dalai Lama wears designer bed sheets like the pope wears designers hats, shoes, robes and sunglasses, fucking cults huh?

Give on Red nose day, give up the price of one drink you'll be having on Saturday, you know that drink that will make you think its a good idea to spray paint pictures of monarchs in foreign cuntries or to open yer legs for a guy that looks like fabio but don't wait for some cunt to do a telethon before you give, do it when you can.

"Aha this silly drunk hoor will feel the love of fabio tonight , that will teach her for not giving to charity."