Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cunt Of The Week.

long over due for this honour, Robert Mugabe the Zimbabwean president recently had his 83rd birthday, happy birthday and may this be yer last or as I always say to anyone having a birthday, "another year closer to death" .
The birthday party cost 1.2 million dollars (just double that for pounds sterling) while 3.2 million people in his country are starving, the people were even asked to donate money for the bash.
Zimbabwe got it's independence in 1980 from Great Britain, in 1994 The Queen of England gave Mugabe an honourary knighthood, while he cannot use the title 'sir' he can use the letters KCB.
He recently put into action 'Operation getting rid of filth' not a keep Zimbabwe tidy campaign but more like passive aggressive genocide. The shanty towns in which the poor lived were bulldozed and destroyed and the people violently forced to move on, men, weemen and children they didn't care, these people didn't have much and now they had less, just go away and die was the message he was giving them.

Mugabe forbide the screening of the 2005 movie The Interpreter claiming that it was propaganda by the CIA and fearing that it could incite hostility towards him. I haven't seen it as Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman are in it and I like neither and don't think there would be much chemistry but this Mugabe guy is more paranoid than I am.

Robert Mugabe president of Zimbabwe, you have been voted the 'Cunt of the week'.