Wednesday, March 7, 2007

International Weeman's Day

I've always liked this picture of Sophia Loren sneakily checking out Jane Mansfield's acting abilities.

Celebrated on 8 March, International Women's Day (IWD) is the global day connecting all women around the world and inspiring them to achieve their full potential. IWD celebrates the collective power of women past, present and future.

YES YES YES achieve yer full potential, er I suspect this must be a breast exam........ a soapy one.

Burn yer bras and yer Cinderella books, on second thoughts not the bras, especially those uplifting ones.

I like weemen as I have met more weemen that I have liked than disliked, sure enough theres the odd stupid shallow bint out there but mostly I like them.
Do ya remember a TV show called Dream On? the line I remember from that is the main guy Martin Tupper says, " I want a woman I can talk to" his friend in this scene who is the typical guy type looks confused and says, " what do you want to talk to her for?" well I've gotten older and yeah sure sticking yer willy into weeman's parts and giving her multiple orgasms (even though I just get one) is fun but I tend to find a smart/funny woman that I can talk to is just as good, and if she can make a nice cup of tea even better.

Proof that an empty eye socket can be sexy as hell.

Its a man's world and as I've said before, "men are idiots and weemen are enablers" .
Old Knudsen is a one woman man, well at a time, no threesomes for him oh no, I'll tell the other lass to wait outside until its her turn as I don't like to be watched when I'm bumping uglies, er I mean making love, even the dog gets kicked out. Don't worry she doesn't have too long to wait.

This lad is nature's way of adapting to group sex, ah well I'll just have to make do with my one large one, do ya think this guy works out? what a poser, my 6 pack is a keg and I'm as white as Casper the holy ghost if it wasn't for my charm and fucking quick wit I'd be very lonely oh and getting weemen drunk on Pernod and blackcurrant.

The guy guy gurl threesome is a bit ghey for me, how can two guys stand there looking at each other's boners ? I used to wear my speedos when I showered in the army, a shrinkage issue, but all that means is that it has a wider range of growth, see I became an expert to get over my complexes, now where was I? oh yeah talking about weemen.
I like them in many shapes and sizes as sexy is an attitude not a look, you can keep the rake thin ones and the slutty slaggy Britanys and Paris' as stupid does not a sexy make.

How many more saucy weemen can I post pictures of before the end of this post I wonder.

Well I hope you weemen are all connected and inspired though its hardly a New year's celebration now is it? how many of yous will be pissed out of yer heads and snogging a stranger today? well ok knowing my readers that may be a pretty high amount, now go and achieve yer full potential you have my permission.

We don't need no stinking men to complete us, we have dolls , chocolate and spin dryers.