Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bono Sells Out And Not In A Stadium.

Bono half hiding his face in shame receives the KBE which also cums with a set of matching ear rings.

Bono the lead singer of some obscure Irish group (possibly The Corrs I can't remember) was awarded a honourary knighthood in Dublin by the British Ambassador.
The singer's title is Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire or KBE for short.
He cannot use the title 'Sir' as he is not a British citizen but he now belongs to Great Britain and can be ordered to command a regiment to go off and fight the French at any time if needed.

The Knighthood caused a little friction with his band mates as Bono is not allowed to sing the song "Bloody Sunday" anymore but his KBE gives him 10% off at Tescos so he told his guitarist the Hedge, Curly, Larry and Mo to "go fuck."

Other non-Brits that got the KBE include Bob Geldof, Bill Gates, Placido Domingo, Rudolf Giuliani , George W Bush and Steven Spielberg .

Bono hopes the accolade (not alcoholic lemonade) will help him in talks about Third World debt and help him to pick up younger chicks as hes 46 and the tight leather pants just aren't doing it anymore, hes sick of the middle aged hoosewife groupie which is bad because older weemen know more.