Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Meet The Real MJ.

I have for a while been trading e-mails and dirty pictures with a fellow Blogger but its not Foot Eater that I want to mention here is the beautiful MJ of The Infomaniac.
She sent me this picture and her beauty should not be hidden anymore, as she has featured me on her Blog the it is only right that I do the same. I suggest you click on MJ's Blog here as it may have changed a bit since you were last on it.

MJ works as a Pole dancer and snake handler at the 'Sweaty Crotch' one of Canada's most famous bars, go in on Monday nights for her ping pong ball act but be warned if you have any open cuts on yer hands do not try to catch the balls.
When you tip MJ tip generously with paper bills and not coins as they tend to work their way into all the nooks and crannies and its no fun pissing and shitting coins, trust me on the latter.
MJ we here at Old Bitter Balls love you in dirty and nasty ways that a Canadian would be shocked about, we honour yer contribution to womanhood and Blogging.