Thursday, March 8, 2007

Schadenfreude Friday.

What lovely lines this car has, doesn't look like a clown car at all.

In Surrey a Bugatti Veyron supercar worth £830,000 , one of only a dozen in the UK was wrecked in a crash in pouring rain.
The Veyron which can do 253mph was doing around 100mph on a 40mph road when it went out of control,spinning and hitting a Vauxhall Astra with a seven month pregnant woman inside, before smashing into trees up a 3ft bank, she was checked out at a hospital and was ok.

Spiders while not insects can be grouped as bugs for convenience sake, they are our friends and get rid of so many other harmful bugs in the garden, ah fuck it, STAND ON THE BASTARD.

The Dickhead driving the car had hired it out from a business man for £20,000 a day, the hand made Bugatti will now have to go back to Molsheim, Alsace to be very expensively repaired.

I don't think he liked the repair bill.

At least no one was hurt but for fucks sake a £830,000 car ? more money than sense and I'm not too sympathetic for them, nor am I sympathetic for the speeding £20,000 a day wanker. Why is it that money always ends up in the hands of mongs that just waste it with supercars that won't even had the boot space for yer shopping ? I'd rather have a Vauxhall Astra, a good make, very reliable, I had a Nova for years and it never failed me once.
If you look at the picture you'll see its a pig ugly car anyway. If you can have cars like that on the roads then I should be allowed to hunt rabbits with an AK 47.

"Book him Danno", this is what happens to clowns that drive clown cars too fast. On a side note I don't find clowns at all funny, in fact I find them creepy, ha ha ha off to jail.

I am laughing and delighting in yer misfortune you money wasting Bugatti loving twats and hope the gurl in the Astra sues you like fuck, this is me laughing, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha breathes ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .