Monday, March 19, 2007

The New James Bond Sucks

On Werthers Originals.

The New Bond film is out on DVD and if you look at the credits you'll see that some of it was filmed on location right here in Kilamory . I hung around the set unnoticed because I can blend in with the world of Hollywood and you may see me in the film if you look closely. I not only waved at the camera but I also mouthed the words, "hello mum".
One on the secrets of the shoot was that Daniel Craig sucked Werthers Originals in order to achieve that blue steel expression on his face. During a fight scene he accidentally took a hit and spat out the sweet and I got it. I will be selling it on e-bay, I expect to get thousands for it as you can also see the face of Jesus on it.
Now thats what I call acting, suck it Daniel suck it.

I was also able to hide in the attic space of the hoose Daniel was staying in, as you can see he has all his working parts and likes his bath water cold. A word of advice Danny boy, a courtesy flush may be in order for the massive dungies you take, and light a match or something.